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Omslagsbild för The Nationalists: The Australians 21
Isbn: 978-99-7964-270-1
Förlag: Jentas IS
Tillgänglig sedan: september 2023
Uppläsare: Simon Slater
Length: 8 timmar 39 minuter


The Nationalists: The Australians 21

The twenty-first book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams.

The fires of nationalism are being kindled across the continent – especially in the hearts of the young.

The children of The Seafarers and The Mariners are growing up in a young country only just coming to nationhood. Some cry for unity while others raise the spectre of race hatred and violence. It is hard to see how these young Australians could ever realise their dream of one free and mighty land.

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